
Friday, November 7, 2008

Fishing Time
A few weeks ago we went fishing. My whole family went. It turned out it was our first time.
It was really fun fishing. We almost caught a fish but my dad realed it in to late. So we didnt catch any fish but it was fun.

Trick-or-treating 2008

About a week ago it was trick-or-treating 2008.

I had so much fun I was an alien and my brother was a firefighter.

we got lots of candy. We went to the republic business's and through the neighborhoods. It was a great trick-or-treating year.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


My sister is 7 monthes old and she was born on november 9,2007. Here are some things abot her she can hold her own bottle in her mouth. Next she is abot 16 pounds.Last she laughs really hard. OH i forgot to tell you her name her name is scotlyn.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Limo

One day i went to school and i got to go in a limo! I got to go in a limo because i got a really high score on and really important test. I got in the limo and it was awesome there was tvs, a mirror on the ceiling, and a bar. And as i was in it i lisend to music. This was my first time in a limo so i thougt it was awesome. I LOVE LIMOS!

The Farm

Guess what we were looking in the paper and we saw that a new farm that was built in springfield.
So we went to check it out and man was it nice. There was chickens,roosters, horses, lambs, goats, pigs , and cows. Now thats not it there was tractors and a farm play ground. Also there was a lake i threw rocks into and hay to play on. This farm is awesome and i want to go back to the farm!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Hero

My hero is my brother!!! He is 3 years old and a very great brother.He rocks!!!!!!!!!

My Friends

I have lots of friends. Here they are Justin, Logan, Trevor, and Brice. I have lots of other friends, but these are some.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

Crazy Hair Day

In March we had crazy hair day in my class. We could make our hair crazy.
I did. I had the colors yellow and green, then orange came up.
Crazy Hair day is awesome. Go Crazy Hair Day!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Andy's jokes

1. Why did the elephants get kicked off the beach?

I don't why the elephants got kicked off the beach.

Because they couldn't keep their trunks up!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Time at The Circus

I went to the circus on March 11, 2008. It was awesome. My favorite part was the whole circus.
I liked the whole circus. I met Ronald McDonald, Hamburgler, and the Grimace. They were all awesome and I got Ronald McDonald's and the Grimace's signature. I loved the circus!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


A few weeks ago we had 9 inches of snow!!!! It was awesome! I built forts, made snowballs, and threw snowballs. But the most funnest part was building an igloo!! It rocked I got to go in it and sit in it!! I hope we have this much snow again!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Box

On the day after Valentines day I had to make a Valentines box for school. I made a really tall box. It was the Empire State Building. It went all the way to my mouth! This box was my best ever!! Valentines Day is awesome!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Wrapping up Christmas 2007

I had a great Christmas I got a lot of presents. I got a monkey game, door bell, and coloring books.
I got lots of other things, but I can't name them all.